What is a Doula?


The birth of your child is an extraordinary moment!

With our help, you can experience that moment in a relaxed and comfortable state - focused only on the joy of the experience. At ibirthprofessionals, we believe that womens bodies are innately designed to give birth, breastfeed and nurture. We empower you to have your best birth possible - easy, short, and relaxed - regardless of the outcome. Welcome your baby into the world gently, blissfully and remember this incredible event for a lifetime.

“Passionate and committed to positive birth experiences”

Giving birth is at times slow, then we have to work as a doula team to make sure you are continuously supported. Sometimes mothers lose trust in their ability, then we have to work with her partner to reinstate hope and trust. During the last part of labour our expertise in guiding a baby through a pelvis can make all the difference.

We truly want you to have the birth you desire.

What are the benefits of having a Doula?

A Doula believes in “mothering the mother” - enabling a woman to have a much more satisfying, positive and empowered time before, during, and after birth, and thus allowing a baby to have a better start in life.

The birth doula is the modern day link in the tradition of women helping women in birth. They enhance the birth experience through information, empathy, and physical assistance. Parents that have used doulas say they are an invaluable part of the birth team.

*Women supported by a doula during labor have been shown to have:

  • 50% reduction of cesarean rate

  • 25% shorter labor

  • 60% reduction in epidural requests

  • 30% reduction in analgesia use

  • 40% reduction in forceps delivery

*From Mothering the Mother: How a Doula can help you have a shorter, easier and healthier birth by Marshall H. Klaus (Perseus Press, 1993)



Find an ibirthprofessionals doula for a safe and empowered birth experience

Find a Trusted ibirth-professionals Doula near YOU. They know exactly how to support you to have a safe and Empowered birth experience

ibirthprofessionals Doula’s are highly purposeful and knowledgeable individuals who have committed to learn, grow and serve so they can support YOU in your journey.

And one day she discovered that she was fierce, and strong, and full of fire, and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fears.
— Mark Anthony